Don Aggerbeck
Paintings, Drawings, Photos and Mixed Media Art
Paintings, Drawings, Photos and Mixed Media Art
Don graduated from St Olaf College and then studied art at the
Minneapolis College of Art and Design. During that time he attended
the Grand Marais Art Colony. Since then Don has focused on landscape
as a primary subject matter for his paintings and drawings but also
explores other subjects and styles. Don works in a variety of other
media as well including digital art, video, photography and music.
Don has exhibited art and received numerous awards in juried
competitions. He has had solo exhibitions at art and community
centers as well as college galleries. Don has also done freelance
artwork and illustration and accepts commissions. Don is currently
working on a project painting portraits of historic rural churches
for the purpose of helping to preserve these structures which are
in danger of disappearing from the landscape. Those paintings can
be seen on the portfolio pages. Don also paints house portraits on commission.
Don is a current member of Artistry Visual Arts, the Minnesota Artists Association, Hopkins Center for the Arts, White Bear Center for the Arts, Robbin Gallery, North East Minneapolis Art Association (NEMAA),
the National Watercolor Society, and is a signature member of both
Minnesota Watercolor Society and Northstar Watermedia Society,
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